So it was that time again....
Scott's birthday. This time it fell on Superbowl Sunday so we did a little 2 for 1 party.
For his birthday dinner we went to olive garden on Saturday (his choice) and Peter loved his food so much he decided to lick his plate clean. We had to sit outside because the restaurant was quite busy even though we went at 5pm. I guess there was a high school dance because we had to sit next to a bunch of teenagers in fancy clothes. That was a little annoying.
As I was trying to come up with a cake idea late Saturday night I decided to go the easy route and make cupcakes. Since it was Superbowl Sunday I thought it would be cute to make little footballs for the top with some left over fondant I had in the pantry. Well my fondant was old and not usable. What to do what to do. As I wracked my brain for some inspiration I naturally thought "what would my mom do?" And then it hit me I remember my mom making peanut butter play dough for us when I was little. That would work. Well thank goodness for the Internet because it was way too late to be calling mom for the recipe (11pm which is midnight her time) Why is it that inspiration hits us late at night? I remember my mom saying she did her best (artistic) work from about midnight - 2 in the morning. I guess its genetic. I realize they are not done very cleanly but it was really late and I was tired.
The party turned out pretty good. we had a good turnout from our friends and good food to share. We didn't feel it appropriate to go all out because it was on a Sunday. But it was nice.
In all seriousness I am thankful for Scott in my life. He is a good husband, provider, and father. He helps me to be more sympathetic towards our children. He has a soft heart and a great laugh. But most important. He's my best friend. I love you sweetie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
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