
Sunday, October 3, 2010

red handed

Peter is a very sneaky little monkey. He is my only kid that I had to REALLY childproof my home for. He is always sticking random things in the electrical sockets. He can bypass all childproof mechanisms for them. Today I found him with a pair of scissors in the plug. (Who does that sound like? I did that when I was little) All my other kids just put plugs in the sockets.
The other thing he does that none of my other kids had a problem with is drawing on EVERYTHING!!! Somehow he keeps finding markers (his tool of choice) and does graffiti on my walls, couches, his brother, books, shoes, tile, etc. etc. You think of it. . . he has probably drawn on it. I realize he has an inner artist that has to get out so I put paper and magnadoodles in front of him. He just doesn't seem to like those mediums. It has to be taboo or its not art.
Soooo I put locks on all the cupboards with writing implements in them.
He broke the lock on the "school cupboard" today so he could get to the markers
Don't let that sweet face fool you. This kid's a graffiti artist in the making.

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