
Monday, October 4, 2010


Okay this is actually a Williamism. No he is not racist, he just has a funny way of pronouncing things. Today he was telling me about a Halloween song he learned. . . or made up (I'm not sure which) That's beside the point. As he was talking he kept saying Jewracula. It was hilarious. He had no idea what he was saying wrong.
After a fit of laughter we said, "William its DRacula not JEWracula" Go to fullsize image

So I am sorry to all of you out there who we might offend but we might be calling that devilish fiend Jewracula from now on.
William loves to use idioms he just doesn't get them quite right. One of my favorites it when he says something like "I can do that mom it's a Slice of Cake" instead of piece of cake
He also likes to put E's in front of words like Ettack instead of attack, or Evade instead of invade. It drives Ellie crazy but I love it.

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