We decided to have a Halloween party this year because Halloween falls on a Sunday. I threw one a few years ago so this shouldn't be too hard. I have always loved Halloween probably because my Mom loves Halloween. Growing up we would have a party every year complete with spook alley and headless horseman hayrides.
First things first I decorated my house. I did "Witches Brew" potions on my mantel. Plenty of spider webs and ghosts hung from the trees. Lighted luminaries and pumpkins all about.
I decided to go old school with the games. We had donut on a string, bob for apples, and my favorite toss the eye. A variation of pin the tail on the donkey. I painted a picture of a monster/alien on my sliding glass door then we use those sticky eye balls (kind of like sticky hands) and try to get the eye in the right spot. The closest one wins.
One thing that is a must at my party is for EVERYONE to dress up. Even adults! I hate it when people are wet blankets and don't do anything to make the night special. So I told them not to come if they weren't going to dress up. I did give those people lacking the creative gene a web site for easy homemade costumes. (Familyfun.com) It had thing like draw black "P"s around your eyes and you could be the black eyed peas. Or put a pic of a quarter on your back and you were a "Quarter back."
For costumes Scott was William Wallace from Braveheart. I was an organ grinder and Peter my monkey. William was Boba Fett from star wars. Ellie was a Greek muse/goddess, Brennen was a dragon. The only costume I didn't sew or alter was Williams
I then assigned everyone either a spooky dessert or spookey Hor derve. Here are some things they came up with. It was a lot of fun. I just might make it an annual thing
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