
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Continue in Patience

Continue in Patience
Please click on the title above "Continue in Patience" or click on this link.
I try to think of myself as a patient person . This is not always the case but still I try. I recently told my children to stop praying for me to have patience because I just get opportunities to be patient.

I got this of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint website. I think this is so important for today's youth. As I watch my children everything is becoming more about instant gratification. We have DVD's that start and stop or skip to the exact place you want instead of VHS where you had to wait till the movie was rewound. They want to spend their money now on a toy they don't really care about just so they can have something now. Instead of saving for something they would really appreciate. I feel like they want everything NOW. As parents we get sick of the fights and stop everything we are doing to answer their call. I know we mean well but I noticed in my family it is causing their patience to be nonexitant. So I am vowing to teach my children the blessing of patience. I know it will take time (no pun intended) but I truly hope they can learn this valuable skill.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. And I love the banner photo of all the kids buried in sand, haha awesome.



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