
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Peter's Baptism April 2017

My little Peter Pie is old enough to be baptized.  I took him out for a 5 minute photo shoot.  I don't know why I can't get myself organized enough to actually set up a good time to do these things but such is life sometime. Peter was really funny during his photo shoot.  He had a lot of ideas about how he should pose and what his background should be.  I just had to let him have his say with somethings and then he would do some of my suggestions.  Thankfully the day was a beautiful day.  If I had prepared better I would have done it with different light settings but sometimes as a mom you just do what you can do in the time you have to do it. He is a pretty cute kid and he loves his sweaters so instead of a suit like my other boys Peter just had to wear a sweater.  I am more than okay with it.
As far as his baptism goes we had to delay it for one month.  We originally planned to share a baptism with his cousin Roxy because they were born on the same day and their baptisms were scheduled on the same day AT the same time.  However our Bishop wouldn't consent to allow Peter to be baptized up at his cousins building.  (We chose hers because she had more family than we have)  He told me to just go with our set time and allow my family to choose.  I thought that was a horrible idea.  Why do we have to make our family choose who they were going to support on their baptism?  At first I was really mad.  I still can't understand why he wouldn't allow it.  It has been done many times. All they have to do is send a representative or a letter allowing their consent and he wouldn't do it.  I must add that our baptism is in Lehi and Roxy's is in Sandy.  only about 15 minutes drive apart. After much pondering and prayer I decided to not throw a fit about my bishops decision and instead use it as a teaching tool to show my children that I can support my priesthood leaders.  I was still a little mad about it but knew with time my heart would soften.
Peter's baptism was fine scheduled a month later.  It didn't matter either way. Let that be a lesson to us all not to sweat the small stuff. Scott gave Peter the Holy Ghost with a sweet blessing attached.  As he said amen I saw him wipe away a few stray tears and my heart was so full.  Full of love for my wonderful worthy husband,  full of love for my children, and full of love for the Spirit that so greatly blesses my life and now my son would have those same blessings.  I hope he always remembers to listen to the Spirit.

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