
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Ellie MORP May 2017

Ellie was asked to Prom which happened to be at the same time that we were going to Florida.  This was a hard decision for her to make.  This was the first time she had been asked out on a date and it was a boy she liked.  I tried to accommodate her as much as possible.  We talked about her flying home from the vacation early,  we already had a dress she could wear, my sister said they would help her with hair and makeup and take pictures.  My work said they would handle all the flowers.  We could make it work but she would miss a couple days of the vacation.  After much thought and tears on both our part she decided in the end that she would stay with the vacation.
She felt horrible telling the boy she couldn't go so she explained in person and we gave him a candy bar card that asked him to Morp as the rain check.  He said yes to Morp, thankfully he understood.
I tried to make this one up to her so I offered to take pictures of the group and just happened to find the only graffiti in Lehi city.  Its inside an abandoned silo near a park.  I scouted out the park as the potential photo shoot location and I came across this.  With the theme of the dance being Rock and Roll I thought is was very appropriate.  And the pictures turned out pretty good.
She had fun on her first ever date. 

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