
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Peter's 8th BDay Mine Craft March 2017

Peter wanted a Minecraft birthday this year.  You know me I can't do the traditional birthday party where I buy decorations and play the same games over and over.  I came up with a few fun ideas for this party.  First things first I ordered some inflatable pic axes for the kids, because you have to have a pic axe to mine your materials.  
our first game was to knock over the creepers (which I made from Styrofoam) with a Nerf gun and if you could kill them all you earned your axe. Each boy got 3 shots to kill all the creepers.  If they didn't get them all on their first try they got back in line to try again.  Once everyone earned their axe they went to mine their materials needed to build their structure.
I have a lot of new construction around my neighborhood I scavenged some scrap wood and cut it up into little blocks.  I had my helper hide the blocks all around the backyard before the party.  When it was time I gave each boy a paper bag and told them to go "mine" their blocks.  This was like an Easter egg hunt and the boys had such a great time with it.  They didn't want it to end.  Once they found enough materials we headed inside to build our structures.  I cut up some foam core in square that they built their structures on anyway they wanted.  Once they had it layed out how they wanted we used wood glue to glue it in place. Then they got to paint them.  This activity took up most of the time and they were all happy to build their own thing in their own style.  They were more surprised when they learned they got to take home their creations.  While the glue was drying we sang happy birthday and ate the cake.  Can I just say that this cake was the easiest cake I've ever made.  Thanks be to Minecraft that is all squares.  You can see by the look on Peter's face he was thrilled with it.
After cake we opened presents and played with the pic axes outside.  Being boys they just hit each other with them but they were inflatable so I say let boys be boys.  
Happy Birthday my Peter Pie

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