
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Baby Animals April 2017

Baby animals are one of our favorite things/time of year.  Every spring at This is the Place Heritage Park we go up to see the baby animals and I think you can tell by the looks on their faces how much they enjoy it.  They always ask if we can take some of them home and I always say no, with a little hesitation when it comes to the goats. 
I don't know what it is about goats, but I just think they are the cutest animals.  I love their spunky personalities and awkward gait as they learn how to run on their new legs.  They just make me smile.I am not sure if its the animals themselves are the new spring weather but I am always game to go.  Maybe its a combination of the 2.  the sense that things are new and fresh with endless possibilities and opportunities if only we seek them out.
The grass is just shooting to the surface bringing color back into the gray atmosphere, the trees are blossoming into fluffy sweet smelling surprises and the air smells of earth.  


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