
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Cape Canavaral April 2017

We had this wonderful idea to save our money so that we could take one last family trip before Ellie went away to college.  We were going to do a Disney Cruise then Harry Potter World and Disney World, the whole works.  We talked to the kids about saving money so we could do this amazing trip.  Everyone was excited and on board.  However everyone, but especially Dad was a little too excited, and decided that we couldn't wait until the next year and we should go now.  Slight problem we didn't have enough money to do that trip  so we opted to skip the Disney Cruise because that was going to be the biggest expense.  Sometimes you just have to make things happen.  We planned our first day to be a relaxing day because we were flying the red eye and didn't know how tired we were going to be.  Our hotel wasn't going to be ready for us yet so after some breakfast we headed to the beach for a little nap in the car then play in the water.  I was really looking forward to that little nap in the car but my kids were so excited they just couldn't do it.  I told them to stick together and they could play in the ocean while I took a little nap.  After 5 times of them coming back to the car to check on me or give me the latest update I caved and came to the beach.  It was early but the water was warm.  we were the only ones in the water.  A local was doing his morning walk when he came to us he said, "you guys must be from up north."  close but more like north west.

With time left to spare we make an impromptu trip over to Cape Canaveral.  I count this as our education experience for the trip.  (We always do something education every trip we make) It helps that we are all nerds and love learning.  
There was a large double slide in the center that simulates the re-entry of the space shuttle.  Ellie and I headed up to go down.  There was a large group of Chinese people ahead of us who were too afraid to go down the slide, but refused to get out of the way.  Once they finally moved Ellie and I jumped on the slide and slide down to a roaring applause by the rest of the Chinese group waiting at the bottom of the slide.  We didn't see what a big deal it was but had a good laugh about it.
There was lots to see and do.  I think Scott had the best time out of all of us.

Ashton Gardens March 2017

In the spring, Thanksgiving Point Ashton Gardens has a tulip festival.  The grounds are beautiful but also crowded. We found a way around this mad house.  We always go a week before the actual tulip festival,  all the tulips that are going to be blossoming are up and the crowds are practically non existent giving us the gardens all to ourselves. (well almost) also the cost is included in our pass when its before the festival.  so win win win.  
we do miss out on the extra little games and concessions but its a small price to pay to be able to just enjoy the day.
Ellie's Friend Makayla was with us because she was visiting Ellie so they could take some pictures because that's what teenage girls do. We also ran into Amy and her kids.  In California there are the Desconso gardens which we would visit regularly.  This reminds me of those gardens.  I love coming here to just be.
The Light of the World garden is a desert garden filled with larger than life size statues of Christ during his lifetime.  With each one there is a scripture reference depicting what the statue inspiration is about.  we always have our children tell us the story that correlates with the sculpture and if they don't know we can read the scripture.  Then we ask questions about each one.  questions like "how do you think they felt about this?, or who was there when this was happening? what would you do in this situation?  It helps them to ponder a little more about the life of Christ. 

I love this statue of the Savior.  To me it looks as if his face it being warmed by the sunshine as he thanks His Father.

Family Close time 2017

I would say one of the best things about our family is their ability to get together and enjoy each other's company.  It might not be that everyone is happy but we do it anyway because you only get one family.  we might not always have space but we squeeze and cram because there is always room for one more.
We don't have to have the latest gadgets or gizmo's.  Nor do we all have the same views on things but that's OK, we love each other anyway. People mess up and get on each others nerves but in the end its family and that is the greatest blessing of all. 

Baby Animals April 2017

Baby animals are one of our favorite things/time of year.  Every spring at This is the Place Heritage Park we go up to see the baby animals and I think you can tell by the looks on their faces how much they enjoy it.  They always ask if we can take some of them home and I always say no, with a little hesitation when it comes to the goats. 
I don't know what it is about goats, but I just think they are the cutest animals.  I love their spunky personalities and awkward gait as they learn how to run on their new legs.  They just make me smile.I am not sure if its the animals themselves are the new spring weather but I am always game to go.  Maybe its a combination of the 2.  the sense that things are new and fresh with endless possibilities and opportunities if only we seek them out.
The grass is just shooting to the surface bringing color back into the gray atmosphere, the trees are blossoming into fluffy sweet smelling surprises and the air smells of earth.  



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