
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

William turns 11 Dec 2014

William decided this year that he was going to have a survival party. I agreed that it would be a perfect theme for an 11yr old birthday party.  My idea for the party was to gather a backpack full of a some materials to survive.  I broke the kids into 2 teams.  Each team was given a backpack with some rope, twine, a roll of duct tape, scissors, a tarp, some clothes pins, and a flashlight.  Each team was given some time to construct their own shelter using what ever they could find in the backyard.  I purposely placed some items that would normally be found in the wilderness in plain sight for them to use.  
The boys absolutely LOVED!! this activity.  We probably could have had that be the entire birthday party and the boys would have been happy.  Once time was up I chose who did the best shelter and that team got a prize (a candy) then we got to play "capture the flag" with the flags being hidden in the shelters.  Another huge win for 11yr old boys, again this could have been the entire party but I had one last game, and 1 more activity.  After a few rounds of "capture the flag" I gave each boy a flashlight (which they got to keep as a part favor) and a list for a flashlight scavenger hunt.  The first 2 people back won some para chord.
After all this time outside it was getting quite dark and chilly so it was time to come in for some cake.  Can I just say this was probably the easiest cake I ever made and it went perfectly with the theme.  For the last part of the party I had a craft of some homemade crossbows with Popsicle sticks, snap barrettes, and embroidery floss.  I pre-made most of the crossbow to minimize craziness and for lack of time.  We used q-tips for arrows.  Apparently the boys had all seen these on a YouTube video and were ecstatic to make them. 
This party was so fun for me to do and the fact that the boys all loved it made it even more fantastic.
I am so grateful I have kids that go along with parties like this so I can come up with fun stuff.  I don't know what I would do if I had to come up with super girly frilly stuff. 
William also received his arrow of light on his birthday.  He was so proud to be able to graduate that level of scouts.

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