
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Body Worlds at the Leonardo Jan 2015

 The Leonardo was having a special Body Worlds exhibit going on.  Scott and I love everything medical so this was right up our alley.  They have all kinds of different human bodies in different states and layers.  Some with out skin so you can see the muscles, some with just the veins, or organs, skeletons, you name it they had it.  All the bodies were real people who have donated their body to science.  It was so interesting to see how things worked, where things were connected, which muscles do what during different sports. They even had lungs and hearts that showed what happens if you smoke or live in a polluted area, what can happen if you don't keep your body healthy.  It was so informative and this kids learned a lot.  That being said I will say Peter was too young to go to the exhibit (they don't have an age limit but he was grossed out and didn't understand).
I was impressed with how they did it.  They had a head with just all the veins everything else gone.  No skull, skin, muscles, soft tissue etc.  I was curious to how they dissolved everything with out touching the veins.  Scott informed me they inject a plastic substance into the veins then put the head in a solution to dissolve everything else.  It was incredible!
After being so patient with the bodies we rewarded the kids with the hands on activities upstairs.  They could spend hours here, building sculpting, painting. . . .
I had a lot of fun making a stop action animation film about a boy on a skateboard.  William was glued to the electricity area, and of course Ellie loves the painting on a computer screen area, and all of us could spend a good hour with the Lego's.  This was a great way to spend a cold January day.  

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