
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Christmas boutique Dec 2014

My mom invited me to do a Christmas boutique with her this year.  I came up with the idea of putting Chistmasie (yes that's a word in my book) vinyl on all different kinds of mirrors.  I hunted near and far, for mirrors and  frames.  If the frame didn't have a mirror in it I would use that "looking glass" spray that turns things into a mirror.  I would even buy those cheap wardrobe mirrors from DI and cut them to fit my frames.  Most of them turned out so cute and some were I admit just OK.  My brother-in-law was sweet enough to help print and cut most of the vinyl for me with the promise of him and Scott being able to go to dinner and/or a movie.  Sadly the boutique didn't go quite as well as we had hoped but it was enough that I made a profit.
Scott was so supportive of this little endeavor of mine.  He would come join me in the cold garage and helped keep me organized as I did the artsy stuff.  I even taught him how to cut the glass. I can't believe he had never done that before.  Then again I am constantly learning that what my normal growing up was is defiantly not everyone else's normal, usually not even close.  That makes me all the more thankful for artistic hard working parents that taught me so much.

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