This year for Christmas decorations I re purposed old sweaters that I picked up at DI because we really don't have sweaters like that. I recovered our couch pillows in them to make them look festive. When I was sewing them Peter says to me. "Hey mom did you make those? I didn't know you could sew like a grandma!" apparently only grandma's can sew.
I was wondering when I was going to have time to put my Christmas stuff up when miraculously all of the kids got sick at the same time. How often does that happen? Almost never, its usually one kids is sick for a couple of days, and then the next, and the next, to where it drags out for weeks. This particular sickness was the perfect kind of sick where they just slept the whole day leaving me plenty of time to get stuff done because I couldn't go anywhere. I really think it was a tender mercy from Heavenly Father. I was feeling stressed and over worked with a list a mile long. When they got sick it forced me to cancel some things that really weren't that important and just have a day of 2 to reminisce and take my time putting up the symbols of Christ and remember what Christmas is really about. Its kind of sad really when I need these kind of reminders every year. Maybe someday I will get it down.
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