
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

gingerbread houses Dec 2014

This year we did our first ever gingerbread houses with actually baking gingerbread from scratch.  I found a recipe online along with some templates.  The trick of course is roll and cut out the templates on the cookie sheet.  That way there is as little movement as possible and it wont warp.
The kids and Scott all got to decorate their own houses.  Scott turned his into a church.  We really had a lot of fun making these.  Sure it was a lot of work to mix, bake the gingerbread, make the special icing, prepare, the foundations and put it all together. but it was one of those moments where we were brought back to the family togetherness that Christmas always seems to bring about.  We had the music playing and it made me think of simpler times.  That maybe I could give my kids a taste of that wonderfully simple tradition that they could savor and tuck away for times when they are older and needing a sweet memory.

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