
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stadium of Fire

For the 4th of July Scott, Ellie, and I got to go to Stadium of Fire.  I hadn't been to Stadium of Fire in YEARS.  I remember the last year I went the pre-show was terribly boring and my dad started making paper airplanes and throwing them into the crowds.. Once it got started it spread like wild fire.  The security got into it and started threatening to throw out any patrons caught with airplanes.  The time before that I was actually in the stadium of fire.  I was one of the dancers and boy was it a lot of work but we got a good spot for the show.  
This year it was Circ Di Solei, Carly Rae Jepson, and Kelly Clarkson.  The acrobat were a little hard to see but I was amazed at how high they threw each other and this star move they did.  They had 5 people standing on 1 hand each clasping their remaining hand and a 6th person was doing a 1 handed handstand on their clasped hands.  IMPRESSIVE!!  
Carly Rae was a okay.  You could definitely tell she is fairly new to show biz and her song content was meant for a younger crowd but she did alright.

Kelly Clarkson however was stupendous!! I really love her music. Funny side story.  When Kelly Clarkson was first starting out, Scott and I were in the car listening to one of her songs.  When the song ended Scott said, "I hate to say it but I think I am becoming a Kelly Clarkson fan."  WHAT I HEARD WAS, " I think I'm going to kill the Clarkson family."  I said to him, "WHAT? Who are the Clarkson's and why do you want to kill them?"  He told me to clean out my ears, but now its a running joke with us.
 She seemed so down to earth and inspired by music.  I was impressed with her singing the whole night she has definitely got a set of pipes on her.  I think what keeps her grounded is the fact that she openly has God in her life.  She talked about it often and how blessed she was.  I appreciate that.  That someone famous is not afraid to openly acknowledge God in their life.  In today's world people are so afraid of offending others, or on the flip side get so defensive if God is mentioned, it was a breath of fresh air that one in that position positively admits it and it grateful for Him.     
 The fireworks were awesome!!  The fact that they have a real choir singing patriotic hymns makes it that much more incredible.  We had a blast.  I did feel a little bad that I left my boys to play with my brother Scott and his family but only a little bad.

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