
Friday, July 12, 2013

pre-firework show

Our boys were so excited to light some fireworks they were driving us a little crazy, so we started early with the daytime fireworks.  They talked daddy into buying some tanks and a ton of smoke bombs.  They set up this "massive" tank war.  I personally don't see the draw to the tanks but the boys seem to love it.  So after lots of noise and stuck tanks the carnage was over in a matter of seconds. But it might as well have been hours according to the boys.  Then we lit the smoke bombs.  Talk about a winner.  We could have just bought smoke bombs and they would have been happy.  Someone (Brennen) left my house door open in the garage so my whole house reeked of sulfur for 2 days. But I must admit it was a small price to pay to see the look on their faces.  It really is the simple things in life. 

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