
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Colonial Fest

sometimes I wish we could bring this back
The great thing about summer is festivals, festivals, festivals. They are everywhere and we try to take advantage of as many as possible.
The Colonial Fest was something we chose to do not knowing what to expect.  When we first pulled up it looked really small but looks were deceiving.  We went around from both or shall I say tent to tent.  Everything was as real and authentic as it could be considering.  My children were surprisingly well behaved and interested all the things we came across.  I think their favorite station was the doctor. (surprise, surprise)  He had all his medical supplies laid out on a table and patiently described what each one was for.  I myself was intrigued.  I felt sorry for the poor demonstrator who was probably sick of us.  
One fact I didn't know was that tea was pressed into heavy brick form, not the leaves like we know today.  They had leaves but just for the very wealthy.  That is why it was such a problem when they threw the tea in Boston Harbor it sank like a brick.  They say on some days you can still smell the tea.
I was proud that my children were attentive and respectful at most all the stations.  Their next favorite was the armor.  It almost knocked Peter Pie down because it was so heavy but he thought he was so cool.  William begged to keep it, although it was out of our price range. (Not that I would have gotten it.)
We tried some super delicious molasses cookies. My mom, Scott and I love molasses cookies!!
We watched this one lady painstakingly make lace.  I don't know how she had the patience to do it.  I asked her and she said it was really fun.  I had to take her word for it.  I personally was impressed by how long it took to make thread to make cloth.  
Our last stop was the games.  The kids had fun trying it all out.  Brennen was really good at the hoop game, and William tried to outsmart my mom on a dice game, tried being the operative word.  
We had a good time learning as much as we could about this time period.  We are suckers for sneaking in learning opportunities for my kids. . . and maybe some of it is for me as well.

my sweetie giving me a rose. Awww

Brennen trying his hand at grinding seasonings at the cooks tent

medical tools

brick of tea
dress up.  isn't he the cutest little patriot? 

reporting for duty

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