
Monday, March 25, 2013

Sailing on a Catamaran

 One of my favorite things we did was go sailing on a catamaran.  This is something both Scott and I have always wanted to do. The weather could not have been more perfect for this adventure.  They skies were clear the water was so blue and the sun plentiful.  Even the breeze cooperated and was just enough to do actual sailing but not enough to be crazy.  The first mate said she would buy a drink for anyone that could raise the mainsail without any help.  Scott attempted and came so close.  He raised all except for the last 6 feet by himself.  When he got toward the top the first mate threw all her body weight at the same time Scott pulled the rope so they could get the sail to the top.  Scott said it was a little more difficult than he thought but the whole crew was cheering him on.  He did a great job.  Just look at his smile with his accomplishment. They even let him drive the boat for a bit. He was like a kid in a candy store.
the missed turtle
the blue blue water
diamond head from the ocean
On this excursion we saw the biggest sea turtle I have ever seen.  He had to be at least 6 feet wide and probably 8 feet long.  This guy was massive. He was swimming right along the boat.  Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough with my camera to get a picture but I have witnesses.
This was a must.  I could have done it almost everyday.

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