
Friday, March 29, 2013

Bishops museum

Being the nerds that we are we saved Sunday for our museum day.  Both Scott and I love to learn.  So we got 3 museums under our belt in one day.  We started with the Bishop's museum.  If you wanted to learn everything about the people of Hawaii from its beginning until today this is the place to go.  
This museum is made up of multiple buildings, however the main building is the most impressive.  As a carpenters daughter I fell in love with the architecture and wood beams and trim all around.  The building itself is 3 stories with the first floor filled with artifacts from Hawaii's beginning.  We read every little plaque and every little sign learning all we could.  For those who don't really care about the details, the artifacts themselves are pretty impressive.  I think my favorite was the capes.  The red and yellow color come from tiny little feathers from birds.  The feathers are only about an inch and a half long.  How they painstakingly sewed all those thousands and thousands of feathers was very impressive.

feather cape for royalty
This museum also has a planetarium and a science center to which we fully to advantage of.  Of course my favorite was the science portion.  Anytime there is a hands on experience I'm game.  They had a wind exhibit that was super cool.  I could have played with it for a long time but there were kids waiting and I had to share.  They even had a lava tube slide I really wanted to try but Scott said I should just let the kids do it.  Sometimes its hard being a grown up.
To sum up the Bishops museum is a pretty cool place.  The only weird thing were these extra large bugs they had all over the grounds.  When you walked by them they would move and make strange sounds.  to a kids they were probably really cool.  To me they were silly.  but overall it was a good experience

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