
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Manoa Falls

Catching Fire filmed here
This hike was one of our favorites.  We hikes Manoa falls.  This is a rain forest hike and the most beautiful country I have ever seen. I guess growing up in the desert I am utterly amazed that so many plants and different kinds of plants can grow so densely in one area.  We saw every color green imaginable with colossal trees topped with gorgeous flowers larger than my hand and I have big hands.
one area was where they filmed the 2nd Hunger Games movie "Catching Fire".  Ellie was so excited and jealous at the same time.

On the hike to the falls I was surprised that we didn't come across any bugs.  It was truly a serene hike.  It was lightly raining but we didn't get wet because the canopy was so dense it was like hiking with an umbrella.   At one point after the hike we wandered around some gardens where it really started to pour.  We just waited it out under a tree staying totally dry.  We arrived at the waterfall to bask in its beauty.  while the destination (the waterfall) WAS beautiful the journey (the hike) was really so much more.
Usually I am one of those people that loves to get to where I'm going and doesn't really care about the journey to get there.  this time I learned to love the journey. 

Scott loved these misty mountains

this tangle of roots are the larger than an SUV

these are roots from trees coming down from their branches

Scott pole vaulting with bamboo

Manoa falls

half way to the waterfall

massive fallen tree stump

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