
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We hosted Thanksgiving this year.  It was good weather which was really nice because I was hoping we could put some kids outside.We had Scott's mom and sister, my parents, 2 of my sisters and their families plus some extra friends.  All in all we had 25 people over.  It wasn't as bad as you would think because we divided up the dishes.  All we had to do was a turkey, some rolls, and the appetizers.
The one great thing about my family is that you never have to ask them to help AND when they are helping they don't need to be assigned things, they just see something that needs to be done and they do it.  They just handle it.  I Love It!! It makes things so easy. Plus they always clean up before they leave.  I chalk it all up to my mother.  She has taught us so well. I think it was all those boutiques she dragged us to.  We had to set up and tear down booths.  I hope I can teach my children as well as she taught us.
After the meal we all cleaned up then the boys watched the game while the girls worked on a craft. (button bracelets)  We were experimenting for my sisters mutual activity.  We had planned on playing junk BINGO but the craft was all consuming.  So we'll save it for Sunday.
I had no concept of time on Thanksgiving, when it was 6:30pm it felt like 3am.  and I was kind of dreading the black Friday tradition.  Nevertheless I made it though the day unscathed.  Now for the black Friday fiasco.

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