
Friday, November 4, 2011

more Halloween festivities

Sadly I ran out of time this year so I did not do my annual Halloween party.  I was a little disappointed in myself but I can only do so much so something had to go.That's okay, theres always next year.  A new thing for us this year was a school costume parade.  I have snippets of memories doing this when I was growing up and I do remember that I loved it.  My kids were just so excited that they got to wear their costumes to school.  since it was on actual Halloween day I dressed all of us up in our costumes to head to the school.  Brennen was originally Darth Vader but he has a few dress ups to chose from so he was something different everyday that week.
There were a lot of your usual costumes and some super funny ones.   I loved this male teacher that dressed as a lunch lady. He was totally in character the whole time he was so funny.

Another annual activity my family has is to go out to dinner in costume on Halloween. Apparently its always Chili's just different locations.  So we had a group of about 20+ people show up at the restaurant for one server to take care of our whole crew.  Don't worry there was almost no one at the restaurant.  Kids ate free so that was a huge bonus.  It was crazy and loud and there were at least 4 spilled drinks but it was tradition and we were happy to finally be part of it.
As for our neighborhood it was a drastic change from out last one.  Our last one went all out on Halloween.  Everyone decorates there are TONS of kids, huge block parties with movies begin projected on garage doors.  This year at our new neighborhood a few houses decorated but my real disappointment was that I only got about 20 trick-or-treaters.  I am officially determined to bring this neighborhood up to speed. 

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