
Sunday, November 27, 2011

another birthday

Welcome to the crazy time of year.  Its not bad really.  I usually like crazy but it seems like I have very little time to visit my blog.  I had another birthday at the most inconvenient time ever.  My birthday always seems to fall on the week of Thanksgiving.  Sometimes I think I should change my birthday to the summer.  Actually I think everyone with a birthday in the months of November or December should do the same.  I decided for my birthday I wanted to go to a pizza place that holds sentimental value to me.  It's not that its awesome pizza (its not bad but its not the greatest pizza in the world.) Its just a place we always went to when I was younger for special occasions and get togethers.
I invited some friends of ours, and my sweet mother had my sister send out a blast text to everyone to come.  My other sweet sister made delicious cupcakes for everyone.  I wasn't expecting any of this so it was all a nice surprise.

As usual we took up the whole restaurant and the kids were quite well behaved. Which is unusual for our group.  We had a great time just chatting and eating good food.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Its good to be back.

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