
Saturday, December 11, 2010

thanksgiving 2010

Some of my family came to visit for Thanksgiving. It was a little cramped having 20 people in my little house. But it was well worth it to me. Its so nice having people come visit us. We absolutely loved having family here. They were even here for my birthday which was awesome. They brought me lots of Grandma sycamore bread!!!! I felt like I actually had a birthday this year. We went to Disneyland for my birthday. Even though it was PACKED!!!! I had a good time because I had good company. My favorite rides are Space Mountain, Jungle cruise, and of course Pirates of the Caribbean. Although the Buzz lighter year ride is always a hit with everyone. My kids absolutely love the innoventions building. They could probably spend all day in there.
Thanksgiving was good. Scott made all the food and it was delicious. The weather was a little cold but other than that everything was good. We were all sad when it was time for family to leave. Even my sweet Scott woke up the next morning in a somber mood and commented that he was lonely.
I do love living here but nothing beats having family around. Its almost like we all go through a grieving period for about a week after were separated.

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