
Monday, December 13, 2010

small miralces

I just wanted to testify that the Lord does love us and here our prayers.
Scott recently got his commission cut and work has not been abundant. This leaves for a very stressed, penny pinching Stringham family. So I have been doing all I can to be as frugal as possible but we still end up short. So in my morning prayers I told the Lord everything that was weighing on my heart. I felt a little better and went about my day. First thing on my list was grocery shopping. Trying to decide what we need and what we can do without. As I went to reach for the laundry detergent on the shelf, their happened to be a coupon cut from the paper for the soap I was intending to buy. My heart filled with with joy. For in that coupon was an answer to my prayers.
Now I realize a $2 off coupon is not going to make any great changes in my bill. But it was like the lord was saying "I am here. I hear you."
I know the Lord is there for us and he works by small and simple means. I am so grateful for all the ways he blesses me and my family.
Merry Christmas to All

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