We had a "painting" party yesterday for FHE and finally finished the tree house!!!!! I had lots of Great helpers and all I can say is that its a good thing I decided to go with natural wood color. My helpers were eager but not always careful. The kids you don't recognise is the neighbor boy.
I would personally like to thank my Dad for taking me to all those jobs and teaching me how to use tools. Thanks Dad for making me work, I can now say I like to work. (on the occasional project)
I want to thank my Mom for teaching me that there is nothing we can't do. Even if we don't know what we are doing we can figure it out. Thanks Mom I used a lot of that. I had a lot of fun. I just hope my kids have as much fun playing on it.
The tree house looks amazing! It's true-there is nothing you can't do. We should start calling you "Super Mom." -Liz