
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Camera where are you?

this is not an advertisement just me reminiscing and hoping for better things

I lost my beloved camera. :( I started with this little number which was great at the time.
I loved that it was so small and splash proof. It did a pretty good job. As time passed, technology got better and it was time to upgrade. Because I was so happy with this little guy I went for his bigger better brother.

mine was blue

Olympus Stylus 850 SW (Silver) I LOVED this camera. It did everything I needed it to do. It had image stabilizing which was great for my very active subjects. My favorite feature was that is was waterproof!! and shockproof!!! I took it swimming and hiking with me. So childproof I never worried if my kids wanted to take a picture because it could handle a beating.

Sadly now it is lost. :( I feel like something is missing. All these precious life memories I can't record because my beloved camera is no where to be found.

I had to go back to my old camera. It still does the job but not nearly as nice. Now I remembered why I upgraded.

Now I have my eye on this little number



Same idea only better. More features to fit our changing lifestyle. Still waterproof but it can go deeper. Still shockproof but you can drop it from higher up. New HD film quality, 1 button drag panorama shot, and its the cutest shade of green.

I know the new thing is to get a nice SLR camera with all the bells and whistles. That there are cameras out their that take professional quality photos etc. etc But I need a camera that fits my life, while I'm living it!

I want one that I can keep in my purse at all times so when life does happen I'm prepared. . . So. . . anyone want to donate to my memory capturing fund? j/k I think I have a birthday coming up in a few months. Maybe I can get it then.

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