
Friday, September 10, 2010

ITS A PROJECT. . phase 1

For awhile now I have been wanting to build a tree house in our backyard. I think it was actually me that talked everyone into it. Scott would really rather me leave him out of the whole thing but as you can see, I roped him into helping. I know it is quite a project but I really want to do it. I don't know if it is because I want the kids to use the backyard more, or because I always wanted one myself, or because I remember all the awesome times we spent as kids building forts in general.
I used to love to plan it all out.
Find the scraps around the property, and even the dump. Ahhh the dump so many great treasures found their but that's another story. I decided if I post my progress it will actually get done.
To fund this "little" project we held a yard sale. We earned $130 after tithing was taken out. I went to the hardware store the same day and purchased all the materials I thought I needed. The total came out to $131. If that's not divine help I don't know what is.

Of course I needed a few more materials but I decided I could put up the extra cash.

So first things first. I had to dig the holes for the posts. This turned out the be the hardest job and my little minions did not want to help. Once I placed 2 out of the 3 post supports I realized I had to move them to the left about 8 inches. What's that saying measure twice cut once? I guess that applies to holes as well. Another hour later I got the post supports in the proper place. . . . I hope. . Here's a before picture of the project. With a few pics of some of my helpers. I know they mean well but man it takes a lot of patience and a lot of extra time when they want to help. Hopefully they will learn to love work if I let them help. Or maybe it will just kill me.
wish me luck

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