
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mouths of babes

So Brennen has had a rough time potty training but he finally made it all the way. We have been talking a lot about him being "potty trained" hoping he would just do it. After far too many accidents we had to buy some new underwear. I thought he would like to pick out his new underwear. He picked these.
Thomas The Tank Engine Underwear Briefs by Hanes
I was a little confused because he has never even seen Thomas the train. I thought for sure he would go with the Buzz lightyear or superheros, but no, he decided on Thomas the train. Who was I to judge so I said sure and threw them in the cart.
2 days later he is wearing his new skivies when he points to them and says "See mom, potty trains." I finally got it. He didn't understand when I said pottytrained because there were no "trains" involved. Now he has his trains and every day he says "I want to wear my potty trains"
Gotta Love a childs logic.

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