
Monday, August 16, 2010


I bought this little vacuum at a thrift store. Peter found it and "vacuumed" the whole store. I hesitantly gave the cashier the $3 it cost to take it home. (yes I am that cheap)
It turned out to be some of the best $3 dollars I ever spent for Peter.
He LOVES his little vacuum. He pushes it all

over the house all day long. He wants to take it everywhere. He takes it for rides in the car. He even took it on our Sunday walk and pushed it the entire way. Those of you who are familiar with our walks know they are a couple miles.
Now if only it really sucked up the crumbs. . .

1 comment:

  1. Jenni has one of these and she loves it. The only problem is that the boys keep stealing the batteries



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