
Friday, August 13, 2010

Angels Game

Our friends scored some sweet tickets to an Angels game and invited us to tag along. There was a lot of traffic trying to get down clear to Anaheim at 5:30 for a game that started at 7pm. We got 3/4 of the way there and decided to stop for some dinner. We finally got to the game at the 6th inning. Lucky for us it was not a close came (0-2) Blue Jays up. The stadium was really nice and like I said we had some awesome tickets. We were 3 rows up from the opposing teams dugout. We could spit on the players (Not that we would, but we could;) They had a pretty rock waterfall behind the outfield, and good company to watch the game with.
I had a good time even though it took so long to get there and back

1 comment:

  1. I want to go to there too! It has been so long since I went to an Angels game. Fun.



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