
Monday, August 16, 2010


We went up to Scott's work to have lunch with him. He took us to this cool restaurant called BEX. It had a hip industrial feel to it. Apparently on the weekends is a club but they have some great food.
The coolest thing was their drink dispenser. It is a touch screen where you can choose from 140 different kinds of drinks. Lets say you wanted a coke so you push the coke icon and up pops all the different kinds of coke that are created. ie; regular, diet, diet with lime, caffeine free, vanilla, cherry etc. etc. Once you choose your drink it mixes it right there. So if you chose cherry coke it wasn't the same cherry coke from a can, it was real coke with real cherry mixin. Needless to say it is way better than regular cherry coke! I chose peach fanta I was pleasantly surprised. You could try as many flavors as your tummy could hold. Im sure my children will be asking to go their again.

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