
Monday, August 9, 2010

Real day of Rest

After a usual crazy Sunday we decided to go to the beach on Monday. Not a lot involved, the house can wait to be cleaned. Just pack a lunch some sand toys and couple of towels. We decided to go to Carpenteria a little

longer drive but well worth it.
The sun was out the beach was beautiful and my ears are filled with children's laughter and squeals of delight as they chase the waves in a game of can't catch me.

They dig in the dirt because its okay to get dirty at the beach. They find a few sand crabs. Today they found big crab camouflaged by kelp. More squeals both of excitement
and fear but mostly happiness. The wind just a slight breeze to cool me down.

This is a day of rest.

I read a little, one page, then I realize I would rather be playing with my children in the gentle surf.
Ellie has found an extensive collection of sea shells. Some average some beautiful. They are all beautiful in her eyes and that's all that matters.

William try's his skills at boogie boarding. Not too bad. Not ready for any extreme competition yet but he's having a great time doing it.

Brennen is having an extra good time just playing although he did have some trouble with his swim trunks. Just say no to crack.
Don't get me wrong I love Sunday but as a mom with little ones. . . This is more of what I would call a day of Rest

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