Who ever coined the phrase "Sunday is a day of Rest" was either
A. without a family
B. not a member of our church
Sundays are CRAZY busy/hectic/stressful/
tiringHere is a sample of what an average sunday is for my family
7:00am wake up make bed before the little one wakes up (too late)
7:10 shower (hurry little one is trying to break down the door)
7:20 teeth and makeup "Peter get that toy out of the toilet!!"
7:25 make bed (so one room in the house has order)while a crying child is hanging on my leg
7:30 try to pick up what used to be the upstairs. (little one is following me around crying)
7:45 wake up the big kids (my little shadow is at my heels still crying)
cleaning is useless this is supposed to be a day of rest
8:00 wake up the big kids again
8:10 feed little one breakfast (he finally stopped crying)
8:15 Scott is off to choir practice and meetings
There goes my help for the day
8:45 Feed Brennen breakfast wake up big kids
9:00 argue with William about getting ready for church
9:10 get church bag ready. trip over little one, he starts crying again
9:15 last minute touches on my lesson
9:30 big kids get dressed
9:32 big kids change because they didn't dress for church
9:40 did you brush your teeth?
9:45 where are your shoes?
10:00 load the car
10:01 NO, we can't take guns to church
10:02 Go eat your breakfast
10:05 hairdoo's x 5
10:15 big kids go eat breakfast!!!
10:16 Where's Brennen?
10:17 Brennen is playing in the dirt
10:18 change Brennen's clothes (he peed his pants and played outside)
10:19 William did you eat?
10:20 get myself dressed
10:25 wipe the gooberslobers off of my fresh shirt
10:30 finally everyone is in the car to go to church
10:35 Did I put dinner in the oven?
You would think once we got to church things would settle down. WRONG
wrestle with Peter. Tell Brennen to shush he us talking way too loud. William has to go potty. Breakup a fight over the 1 toy motorcycle we brought. Brennen has to go potty. Ellie's mad because she wants Peters snack. Didn't you eat breakfast? pick up the spilled goldfish. etc.etc
you get the picture and that is just sacrament meeting.
I'm in the primary so it's more dealing with children for another 2 hours. (put your feet down. keep your clothes on. Don't tip your chair. keep your hands to yourself. . . Fit a spiritual lesson in somehow.
Time to go home. Where are all my kids? Ellie is on the stage practicing for her next debut. William is at the bishops office trying to score another piece of candy. Who knows where Brennen is. Scott has more meetings we will see him later. Finally get home and the chaos starts all over again.
So I ask you. . . Who was the crazy person that said Sunday is a day of rest?!?!?!?