William LOVES a scavenger hunt so I created a Jedi mission for the boys to gather the supplies they needed to build their own light sabers. The first obstacle I had to overcome was which materials to use for them to make their own light sabers. After searching on the Internet I got a basic idea but it had to be cost effective. Remember I only spend $50 max on a party. So what does any DIYer do...she goes to Home Depot for inspiration. I knew I was going to use a flashlight for the light source the trouble was what material was I going to use for the shaft. It had to be something the right diameter for the flashlight and be able to shine the light through. I also wanted it durable enough to stand up to boys because we all know they are going to use them to hit things with. I found the perfect thing in the pluming isle. They come in red and blue so and with some rubber washers a PVC sprinkler cross fitting was going to work perfectly to put everything together. Add a little duct tape and voila a super sturdy light saber the boys could assemble.
Now came the hard part. He invited about 12 kids and if you know scavenger hunts there is always those few kids that are left out because the quicker one get to the items first. To avoid this I split the kids up into 3 groups. The down side was because I split the light saber into 4 separate parts that meant I had to come up with a lot of places and a lot of clues to find each part that wasn't the same as another groups. I tried to have each clue be star wars themed and when possible a star wars character or object also near the hiding place. I put the key words of where the object was hidden in bold letters. The kids are smart but they are also 11 year old boys. Group A's went like this
1. The Sar Lac pit is the darkest abyss
you can find on this land.
For your piece do not miss.
Its back in the beyond
and your first piece is there
So travel on down and travel with care.
The answer to this was under the trampoline in the backyard
2. Your next piece to collect is near the next land
over in the crevice of the tree
in that area rover up and down
and around and around
until the material can be found
This answer was our big Willow tree where Yoda was waiting
3.Your Jedi quest is proving successful.
Your 3rd piece to find will not be so restful.
To the front in the green its a holocron shape.
Only these ones are larger and there are 2 in the 'scape
The answer to this were 2 big square shaped bushes in our front yard
4. In a cavern of wood
look for your part to be used
to add to your weapon,
this is not a ruse
. Near the windows of the ship,
by the side of the wall,
under the steps made of wood
if you choose not to fall.
This answer was under the deck
5. The last piece that you need
to build this grand device
is in the receptacle that's smell is not nice.
The best of the 3 its not green but is blue
fear not to look in for its the cleanest of all.
Choose the best of the 3.
This was obviously the recycle garbage can
6. You have found all your pieces now return to the shop for instructions on how to build without slip. Find Obi wan for lessons on how to become a great Jedi. You must go in now.
Once they came in side and learned how to put together their light saber my husbands dressed in his Obi wan costume and taught them how to battle where each of them got to battle it out with him.
This was the gist of the whole party and the boys absolutely loved it. Only 1 group needed help with one of their clues but they had a great time trying to decipher them. each part was put in a brown paper bag with either A, B, or C written on it so they wouldn't be able to steal another groups parts.
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