
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Halloween 2015

Halloween has always been a favorite of mine.  There is just something about pretending you are something/someone different that your normal boring self.  I think I what I truly love about Halloween is the creativity that can come with it.  Most holidays are so traditional which is great but as a creative person I love when things can be done "Outside the box".
Halloween just lends itself to creativity in so many forms and I am sure that is what drives me towards it, because I don't like the scary aspect of Halloween at all.  
there are those times of course when as a mom you have these grandious ideas and your children just want to be the trending superhero that year.  this year was one of those.  My boys all wanted to be StarWars characters including Scott.  I have been doing this mom thing long enough to realize this is a battle I don't engage in.  Who cares if this is that one thing they really want.  It is less work for me and they are more than happy.  My sweet Ellie has not learned this lesson yet, and as a creative soul herself she has a hard time letting go of their trendy idea.  She tried with all her might to get them to change their costumes without success.  Someday she may learn.
My brother had is annual Halloween party complete with spooky woods. My sister Stephanie and I DON'T like scary things so we went together.  I know its ridiculous that we are afraid of the neighborhood kids or our very own family members dressed in costume, but that's what makes us so special! We have always been a great team that way. We went and peed our pants a little with our screams but hey we've got to make someones day.
After I purchased my bouts costumes they insisted on wearing them for about 3 weeks straight.  I was pretty great seeing a storm trooper helping me out with dinner.

For the actual trick or treating we headed up to the Reeves home because our neighborhood is awful. Meaning no one gives out candy or opens their doors. Her neighborhood is great and they had a whole set up.  they were the white trash couple so they pulled their RV up on their driveway, found some old ratty couch and set it out front.  they even hung up a clothes line from the RV to the lawn trashing it up as much as they could.  We had hot dogs cooked on an open fire or the grill and that's what they handed out.  It was actually much cheaper than handing out candy.   

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