
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Spanish Fork Hot Springs Oct 2015

a family outing my sister Amy suggested we hike Diamond Fork Hot Springs.  She was told it was just a 3 mile hike.  That is about all the little ones can do so we thought why not.  The weather was pleasant and the perfect temperature for a hike. This hike didn't have a clearly labeled trail head so it took a few times up and down the road to find the start.  Once we found the one we wanted finding a parking spot was another story.  It seemed everyone had the same idea that we had.   We ended up parking about a quarter of a mile away from the parking lot but we were not to be deterred.
Once we had everyone ready we headed up the trail. We hit it just after the leaves had turned and started to fall.  I am sure it was a beautiful walk when it was in full color.  
After about 2.5 miles we started to ask the others coming back if we were getting close.  Nope  we weren't.  It turned out to be a 6 mile hike.  That was a little too much for some of our hikers.  They started melting down. 
When we finally arrived at the hotsprings the kids had forgotten all about complaining.  We all stripped down to our suits and soaked in the warm water. The sulfur smell was bearable and the water felt nice.  We had a nice break just hanging out in this beautiful natural phenomenon.  
The hike back was not as pleasant as the hike there.  The kids were done and wet and cold.  Thankfully grandma brought Oreo's and that helped them finish the hike. Overall it was a good day we did find out that there actually is a way to hike to the springs that is only 3 miles round trip we just didn't know where it was.  Maybe next time, or maybe next time the little ones will be big enough to handle the longer hikes.

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