
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Candle Light Christmas 2015

Its our tradition to go to This is The Place Heritage Park every year for their Candle light Christmas.  I love how it simplifies everything and helps us appreciate the the truest forms of the holiday.  Sometime we invite people to join us but truly I like it when its just our family. I feel that it helps bond us and its also a little less crazy when its just us.  No matter what it is when you add extra people you add extra craziness.  This outing for me is a chance to invite the Spirit back into Christmas.  My children also love it when we come here.  This year we rode on a horse drawn wagon that was covered in lights.  It was all very quiet at first filled with strangers.  My family started singing Christmas songs, after awhile other people started to join in the carols and we were strangers no more.  Its a wonder how music can connect people.  Once we went through the rounds of the more common carols we ventured out to others and we lost a few people because they didn't know the words but they were happy to listen.
We did all the activities writing a letter to Santa, dancing in the school house, (that's everyone's favorite) playing with old fashioned toys and making gingerbread.
I love this type of christmas celebration.
We even had some fun playing in the snow.  Throwing snowballs at eachother and building a snowman.  Its like we were transported back in time and none of us wanted to leave.  We loved the feeling of togetherness with out the stresses of the holiday season pulling us every which way.
As with all good things this too had to come to an end.  We were grateful for the modern day "Waffle Love" to end the night.  This was my kids first time experiencing "Waffle Love" to which they now have a love for and cursed us for waiting so long to let them in on this delicacy.

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