
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

pokemon party

William desperately wanted a Pokemon birthday party this year for his 10th birthday. I always feel bad for this guy.  His birthday always falls on the most inconvenient time.  This year was no different, with our almost move coming up and the craziness that Christmas brings I was drained.  But I knew I had to rally myself and just Git-er-done.  Spending a little time on pinterest I came up with nothing. I knew I just needed to take a minute relax and let those creative juices of mine flow.  After deep breath number 200 I finally came up with some ideas.  First we sent out the invites.  I stole some graphics off the Internet and made a killer invitation, then came up with some games.  First game was to catch their Pokemon's.  In order to do this they had to receive their poke' balls.  I made these from dollar store "return sports balls" that were golf balls I painted to look like poke' balls.  Really easy I taped around the ball at the half way point then just painted with red acrylic when they were dry I drew the black like and circle with a sharpie.  Super simple but the boys thought they were the greatest things.
I hid a bunch of printed off Pokemon characters around the house (in designated areas) The boys threw the balls at the Pokemon to catch their character. If I would have known how much they liked this activity I would have printed off more.  As it was I had enough for each boy to have 2 or 3 with 10 boys. Once we had our Pokemon it was time to evolve them.  I had 4 activities for this.  For the earth Pokemon test I split the boys in 2 teams then had them create a track for a boulder (ball) to roll down and into a bucket.  I used my giant magnet wall for this.  If they got the boulder into the bucket their Pokemon evolved.
For the Grass type Pokemon I used green thread then had the boys hold up their hands in front of them palms facing each other and fingers straight.  I wrapped the string around their hands. Then they had to break it apart.  The more layers of string they could break the more evolved their Pokemon was.
For Fire I had them blow out a candle moving it further and further away each time.
For water we had races with who could down the water the fastest.  I had other ideas for this but it was freezing outside so I came up with this idea at last minute.
Each boy got the poke ball and a neat box to hold all their Pokemon cards in as well as a few new cards to go in their new box.   The boys loved them and I felt like I didn't just give them junk as a goody bag but something they would actually use.
The cake was cupcakes that I decorated to look like poke balls.  I made from scratch so they were delicious.  I had a few boys ask where I bought the frosting so they could tell their moms because it was the best they had ever tasted.
So even though this was not a party I was very excited about especially because it was Pokemon and I really don't care for this particular thing the boys had a great time.  You know its a good party when the kids don't want to go home.  I even got a few "this is the coolest/funnest birthday party I have ever been to!" To me that's a success.

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