
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Recitals

Christmas is a time for music.  And for our family that means recitals.  Ellie had her violin recital and did wonderfully.  She is getting so good at it and I can see her really loving everything about music.  I am so proud.  She also performed in my piano recital.  I think I like the Christmas time recitals best because everyone is in the mood to hear music.  This year I went with a "Classical Christmas" theme.  Classical because I had my students learn and perform a classical piece.  Most were not happy with this choice.  I was such a stickler on technique with their classical pieces  and they really just wanted to do fun songs.  Apparently Classical songs are not FUN songs.  You could have fooled me I loved my classical piece.  I tried really hard to help them choose a song that fit them but you win some you loose some.
 I was wracking my brain to come up with something to give my students for this recital and came up with nothing for the longest time.  I finally had inspiration and painted these bags.  I did a few different designs so those with lots of siblings could tell their bags apart.  I wrapped them up with a bow and a note that said ,"You had that recital in the BAG."

I was a little worried about my time for preparing the recital.  I was being nice and deep cleaned the house of a lady I visit teach.  She was having her family come from Spain for Christmas and she has a terrible back, not to mention she is a single mother that works full time.  I didn't mind cleaning I really didn't. I used to do it for a living.  But that did put me a little behind for getting ready.  I made these cute little melting snowmen cupcakes for the treat along with a box of cream puffs that I bought.  Scott was working late so I didn't have his help but when I got to the room to set up, all of the chairs were already set up.  They usually aren't so this was a pleasant surprise.  I chalked it up to Heavenly Father helping me out because of my service earlier that day.  I was very grateful.  I even had enough time to just sit and play the piano for a bit, making sure my pieces were ready and just to relax.  There is something about playing the piano that relaxes me like nothing else. (Ok maybe the beach is better) I played for a good 15 minutes, just me and the piano. I was heaven.  Then I drove home to pick up Ellie because she is officially one of my students.  The recital went fine my students did fine.  Some were great some were just okay, and I have to brag that my music was AMAZING! I wasn't nervous or anything and I just played with my heart making that clunky old piano sound like symphony hall. I paid no head to my volume and played it like I wanted to play it.  It was both relaxing and a rush all at the same time.  I was happy with the results but I am also glad to have a little break.

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