
Saturday, January 25, 2014


This is the year for me to make things happen.  I am trying to actually act on all those things I think about doing but never set aside the time to do.
This is the newest member of my instrument family.  I have been wanting to learn how to play one of these for quite some time now but just couldn't justify the cost.  These horns are quite pricey.  I happened to be looking on KSL (our local newspaper) when I saw this little beauty for only $200.  I couldn't believe my luck.  I thought about it for a day then decided I was never going to get this lucky again so I should just go for it.  I informed Scott of my purchase becuase it was right at my $200 limit.  Now its not that I am NOT allowed to spend over $200 on anything its just that I just can't pull the trigger on that amount of money on one item or at 1 time (unless its groceries).  I was so silly about it, I first went to D.I. and told myself that if I found a french horn music book on how to play I would see it as a sign that I should get the horn.  I went to D.I. staring with my usual rounds (there is a system I follow when shopping at D.I.) I looked all over D.I. and didn't find anything worth buying then I went to the books and what was sitting right on top but a french horn music book. It was a sign a sign.  No sooner had I found the book than the owner of the horn calls me and asks if I can come in the next few minutes as apposed to later that night.
More conformation that this horn was meant to be mine.
I am so happy now lets see if I can learn how to play it.

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