
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

State Fair 2013

I thought this was funny
Why yes I can drive a stick
a clever idea for a chess set
My boys thought this was So Cool.  They were sure it was a robot
It's that time again, the Utah State Fair.  Time for carnies, W.T's (white trash), junk food, arts and crafts, not to mention the animals.  The day we had planned for the fair, mother nature had a rain shower planned.  As we got closer to the fair grounds Scott asked, "well what do you think?"  I said "lets go for it.  It's going to rain but think it will only rain for a short while."  I came prepared.  I packed every one's jackets with the exception of Ellie's.  I accidentally packed 2 for Will and none for Ellie so I sacrificed mine.  I also packed the umbrella's, whats a little rain?  As soon as we got there we let the kids choose their rides.  We usually do this at the end but I was thinking, it is going to rain and they might not get the chance.  It was a good decision.  William really wanted to go on this boat ride but no one wanted to go with them.  Scott's tummy was feeling a little rumbling from the night before, Ellie didn't want to waste her tickets on that particular ride.  Brenny and Peter were too small to go, so I offered to go with him.  He was nervous but determined.  I am so glad I had my phone in my pocket to capture this moment.
Williams face just before the ride started

the boys ogled this kinex masterpiece
Immediately after the rides it started to rain, and I don't just mean sprinkle, it started to pour buckets.  We popped open the umbrella's and headed for the indoor activities.  I was secretly grateful.  My favorite part of the fair is seeing all the arts and crafts people have created.  I am not talking about the booths of things for sale, I am talking about the ones who entered their art to win.  Often times I don't get to see everything because the rest of the crew is board or anxious to do something else.  This year I got to see every last one of them, and the kids didn't mind either.  I think my favorite piece was an ocean landscape of mixed media.  I could definitely have purchased it to hang in my home.  As I walked through the photography I realized the most amazing pictures were of things God had already made amazing, someone was just lucky enough to capture it on film.  Or do we say memory card now?  Still it was appreciated.
 After the arts the rain let up a bit and decided to try an infamous deep fried Twinkie.  This is the point where Peter had a meltdown. Apparently an outing is not complete with children until one has a meltdown.  It was all over the fact that he wanted to hold a twinkie himself but not eat it and not share it.  After trying to reason with him he threw it on the ground and I took him to time out. (this was the video I posted on facebook).  Once the meltdown subsided we checked out the animals.  Oh the animals, my kids wanted one of each one they saw including the cows. I have to admit I love the animals too.  I am happy to report that this year there was no mistaken identity of animal species.
As we walked the fair grounds I couldn't help but have flashbacks of when I came here with my dad.  Always wanting new knives or his sharpened and always trying out some fudge.  Such a silly thing but I remember those times like it was yesterday.
The last thing was checked out was the Wizard building.  There was lots of hands on activities for the kids and a bench for Scott to sit down and rest.  I think the thought of all the germs was too much for him.  The kids spent at least 20 minutes on the nail wall itself then we tried out the massive bubble wands.
I do have to say the grate thing about the rain is that it was just enough to drive off all the crazies and scantily clad crowd that is usually drawn to these kinds of things.  In actuality it only rained for an hour and during that time we just did the things inside the buildings.  It was really quite pleasant.

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