
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Comic Con/ Geek of the Week

Scott was very brave and took our kids to Comic Con with our brother-in-law and his boys.  I was secretly grateful I didn't have to go.  I love my nerdy herd but someone has to keep the nerd/ normal balance and apparently I have drawn that straw.  (I may have cheated on picking that straw.)  When the cousins came by to pick up everyone they were in costume so then my crew had to have costumes.  It was a mad dash to the dress ups but they each pulled something out that would work.  I will go as far as saying this entire post could be part of the Geek of the Week for the subject alone.
They said it was incredibly crowded.  But what do you expect where you go to an event in Utah where the kids are free.  There are bound to be thousands of them. I think it took them an hour just to get in.  The poor Comic Con people didn't realize how many nerds are in Utah and they WAY underestimated the masses of people.  
When I asked the kids what the coolest thing was they said the Incredible Hulk balloon man. Of all the things that is what stuck with them.  
Ellie my nerdiest of all commented to no one in particular in a slightly sarcastic tone, "look at all these crazy nerds here!"  To which my brother-in-law Jared answered, "Ellie, WE'RE here!"  . . . Bazinga.
There were lots of people in costumes and some were actually pretty cool. The boys drooled over the massive Lego city mentally taking notes for their next creation.  Scott and Ellie love the Lord of the Rings display, and everyone came home absolutely exhausted.
 Can I officially say it now? . . . What a bunch of Geeks.  But I still love them.

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