
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Back to School

Back to School.  Oh my I can't believe how big my children are getting.  William is now in the 4th grade.  The 4th grade! how did that happen.  Ellie is now in the 8th grade (one of my favorite grades growing up.)  It was my favorite because my best friend Kortnee and I were in almost all the same classes together.  Also all of our teacher decided to sit the students in alphabetical order so, Kortnee Wright and Jane Wright(no relation)  were never more than an arms length away.  IT was awesome!  
My little Brenny is in the 1st grade.  My babies are growing up.  I tried to walk them to school but they really didn't need me.  I followed anyway to guide them to their classes.  Williams reply was "I got this mom you don't need to take me." Ellie wouldn't even let me get out of the car.  I went to park and she said, "Mom, what are you doing?  just drop me off."
Brennen noticed I was feeling useless and had pity on me.  After thinking it over he allowed me to take him to his classroom  and say goodbye.  I was grateful for that. I didn't realize that I would feel this way.  I was thinking of all I could do with this extra time. With only Peter at home I am finding myself at a loss.  What AM I supposed to do with my days?  What is going to happen to me when Peter starts to go to school?  I've been a mom for so long I don't know what else to do.  
I think Peter is feeling it as well because all of the sudden he has this separation anxiety.  I went downstairs to put something away and he freaked out.  He must always have me in his sights or he is distraught. It's getting a little suffocating.  I must learn to enjoy this time together.
On the second day they just left out the door with a quick bye mom.  I realize I should feel proud that I am raising such independent children that can do things for themselves and are not afraid of the world.  It will just take some time getting use to.

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