
Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Brennen was feeling very nostalgic today.  He begged me to let him watch the home movie I made for last Thanksgiving.  After watching that 10 times he wanted to watch the Father's Day movie a made a few years ago.  He just kept hitting replay over and over again laughing each time.  Then he settled down with my blog book and fell asleep with it. I think this guy has an old soul.  I see more and more of my dad in him everyday.  The interesting thing is that my dad loved history.
At times like these I realize how important it is to have a journal. Journaling was something that I always knew I should do but hated doing it. Yet there it was, still hanging over my head taunting me.  I read my grandmothers and grandfathers journals just devouring them.  After I finished I thought, "I should be doing this."  But I never could get into the swing of things.
When we moved to California I needed a way to let my family know what was going on in our lives without making 100 phone calls.  (I have a large family) and I could never remember who I told what to, and I was always flooding their email with pictures. That is how this blog came to be.  As I look back on it, I am so grateful I did it.  Sometimes it nags at me chanting "update me, update me.  think of all the things you've done and it not written down.  Remember when so and so said that funny thing?  Your going to forget it."  So I begrudgingly steal the computer back from my children and try my best to add to it. Once I get going its enjoyable to me.  I can relive those special moments in time.
Now, I have family expecting me to record things and events.  Sometimes I think, "why don't you do it? Your experiencing it too.  When did I become the family historian?"  This is funny because really I have always hated history.  Now look who I've become.

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