
Monday, May 30, 2011


Well it is 98.9% official we are moving. We can't say 100% because Scott hasn't met with the IDA (Intermountain Dental Board) yet. They still have to "approve" him and he has to go visit the practice and make sure it is what they said it was. We are excited but quite stressed. We need to be in Utah by July 1st and that means we need a renter for July 1st. The problem is that there are so many houses to rent right now that it is hard to compete with the prices. We lowered our asking price but it still seems to be a little high for most people. We are already going to have to shell out some extra cash each month to keep this place a float so we really can't afford to go any lower. I keep telling myself that all we need it 1. 1 person to want the house, so we are praying for a miracle. I have faith, it'll happen right? All I know is that the Lord has not let me down yet so as long as I am doing my part it should happen.

Here is where the stress comes in. Scott needs to make enough EXTRA money in a month to cover moving expenses, 1st month rent plus deposit for a new place, AND the extra for our current house. On top of that we planned a vacation for the 3rd week in June and as soon as we get back we need to move the house. Hopefully I can get a lot of the work done before we go on vacation. I know I could cancel the vacation but we need it.

All craziness aside I am still optimistic even if I am a little run down. So Utah ready or not here we come

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