
Sunday, May 8, 2011


My creative juices have been tapped out this week. I feel like I have been rushing, rushing, rushing. Here is what I 've been up to. My friend just bought a new house and asked me to do some paintings for her bedroom. She was doing the room in toile and asked me to paint something that went with the tolie fabric she had. Here is what I came up with. There is actually a third piece that goes on the other side of the couple picture but I forgot to take a picture of that one.

I first started out with some buildings, but for some reason it was not turning out the way I wanted it to. So I gave up on that and went with more organic forms. These were much easier to do. It just feels better for me to do natural things because of the flow. I think my problem with architecture is that you should use math to get the forced perspective just right and I would rather just let the paint brush do its thing.

Next item on my list this week was Mothers Day. I was just wracking my brain trying to come up with what to get my mom. After much stressing this is what I came up with. . . I sent her this poem

For Mothers Day I want to give you

something that I know You'll love

It includes sand from pristine beaches

and warm sunshine from up above

A fresh fruit smoothie in your hand

while sun tanned toes

play in the sand

and on your face the breeze will blow

but sadly my account is low

So, for the greatest mom on earth

this things I'd like to give you

will have to be in mini form

until the lottery comes through

One gift I can give you for sure

the greatest thing I've done

My everlasting joy in life

my daughter and my sons

Because of you, I made a choice

its one I hope you'll like

You taught me how to be a mom

and how to ride a bike

Now I can teach my children

the things that you taught me

that motherhood is more than joy

its love absolutely!!!

With this poem I sent her a "Beach in a box" I put beach sand in a jar with a label that said insert toes here. A personal fan that said "ocean breeze". Some heat patches for the "warm sun". A gift certificate for jamba juice, and a picture of my kids labeled everlasting joy.

I also had her favorite flowers sent to her school with a note that said "thanks for teaching a lefty the Wright way to do things." 'cause its always fun to get stuff at work.

After I got that all sent off It was time to work on Brennen's birthday party. And this was on top of all the other things I had to do this week. I need a nap.

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