
Sunday, August 25, 2013

One more lake trip

Last day at the lake.  I really really really wanted to have one more day at the lake.  I told everyone we were going to Yuba on Saturday if they wanted to go they were welcome if not their loss.  To my surprise everyone wanted to go.  It was Shane's birthday and he invited some friends to join us at the lake.  I was worried that we weren't going to get a spot so I got my family ready Friday night so we could head out early Saturday.  When we got there I was disappointed the beach was fairly crowded and the weather did not want to cooperate.  It was a little cold and very cloudy and VERY windy.  We drove right on the beach to save a spot and then we just sat in the car to wait.  Wait for the weather to clear up and wait for the rest of the group to come.  Scott text the family to give them the news of the weather but they were not swayed.  I was sure it was going to clear up in an hour.  I got out my beach chair and my book and sat in the sand to read.  To drown out the negativity of certain people in my car that were sure it was a bust and we should call it a day.  My stubbornness kicked in and I just sat, on the beach, with my book, sometimes staring at the sky, sometimes staring at the words in my book not really reading them.
Brennen and Sam
Lucy getting precious junk food
I NEEDED this day at the lake.  I wanted it to happen so bad I was just willing it to get better.  We are currently under a bit of stress due to purchasing a home and I just needed the beach to calm me and tell me everything was going to be fine.  
While living in California I always headed to the beach at times of stress.  There is just something soothing about the waves, the water, the sun, the sand, the breeze. I don't know what it is but it has amazing healing powers for me.  Nothing else matters at the beach, its like time stands still so you can live in the moment, not worrying about the future and life can't run you over when you're at the beach.  So I needed this day.  
The birthday boy Shane
Luckily my kids can see an opportunity and seize  it.  They donned their life jackets and went body surfing in the waves.  They couldn't have been happier.  "Its like the real beach mom!" they said.  I don't think they realized how much they missed it until they had a taste of it again.  I was so grateful they saw the silver lining of these very dark clouds.
Once everyone arrived we chatted while the kids played in the sand and then the mud.  A couple of people got stuck in the sand, so we spent a good amount of time digging them out.  This just added to my sour mood and I took my aggression out on the digging which turned out to be a bad thing with someone with a bad back.  After digging out my sister and ripping off her bumper in the process my back was done for.  I really hate when I do that because it always takes a couple of days before I am whole again.  It's so frustrating to have limitations.
happy Maria and Kate
Jackson, Wyatt, Shane, Ellie, Paul, and William
  After a few hours of hanging out on the beach the weather began to calm and so did I.  We launched the boats and wave runners right from the beach and enjoyed the precious moments of calm weather. I took out the wave runner to experience that free flying feeling, letting all my cares get brushed off by the wind as I careened across the water jumping the waves and feeling the spray. 
dangerous black clouds
Chris being buried in this mud hole
It actually turned out to be a nice day at the beach.  Shane got the wake board he always wanted and everyone got  to play in the water, ski, tube, knee board, or just ride in the boat or on a wave runner.  
I was just what the doctor ordered.

TK loving the soda

Amy and Jared relaxing

Georgia and Jenni

launching the boat from the shore.  I am a pro at backing up

Hyrum and Jenni

Collin, Sam, and Matt

Happy birthday Shane

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