
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mary Poppins

For my mom's birthday we took her for a trip down to St. George to go see Mary Poppins.  This has been a rough year and I wanted to do something for her to make her birthday special.  The trip didn't turn out as I had originally had it planned but it was fine.  Not amazing but not a bummer either.  We holed up in my sister-in-law Sarah's aunt house.  The house turned out to be as good as expected and most importantly they had a pool to which we took full advantage.  Peter practiced his swimming skills he's getting pretty good and everyone worked on their diving skills.  Some were more successful than others.
Mary Poppins was pretty good.  Not Tuachan's best show but it had its moments.  I was really impressed with the set design.  They had 7 major set pieces that they brought on and off the stage.  My favorite scene hands down was the chimney sweep number. It was so full of energy, dance, and stunts.  I think its everyone's favorite.
The day of the play was really hot.  I was getting prepared because my Scott can't handle the heat well.  It's just not pleasant for anyone when he is too hot.  So in preparation I went to Target and bought a couple of those little fans and one that squirts water.  A few dollars well spent to keep him happy and let me enjoy the show.  As showtime got near the sky got dark.  Not dark from dusk but dark from storm clouds.  It was really starting to pick up.  Scott was worried that the show would be cancelled.  I said it couldn't be cancelled because we came all this way.  I suggested that we just say a prayer that it didn't rain on Tuachann.  He thought I was silly but I knew if it was important to me Heavenly Father could try to advert the storm.  If it was His will of course.  So I said my little prayer and wouldn't you know it that storm passed up Tuachan.  We did get a few droplets of water but its such a narrow canyon I think it found an easier way.  I have to admit I was a little smug about it.  It was just another testament that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers even if they seem small.
That being said Mother Nature did do a lot to interact with the play.  When there was thunder and lighting in certain scenes Mother Nature played her part and added a little extra.  Making the special effects extra special.  There is also a part where Mary releases a "bird"  (she just throw feathers) but right at that exact moment a bat swooped by and up over the crowd just like it was planned.  We did get just a few drops of rain but not enough to even wreck our hair, and the temperature was perfect! 
the entire lake
While we were down there we check out Gunlock resivour to see if it could be an alternate lake instead of Sand Hollow.  Our last experience with swimmers itch has really turned everyone off of that lake.
Gunlock was a ways out there and a tiny little thing.  It was an interesting drive through the Indian reservation and seeing ruins but I was glad we checked it out in person before we hauled down the toys and made a day of it.
lizard hunt
With that being a bust we stopped by the historical home of Jacob Hamblin.  Leave it to us to sneak in some type of learning on a vacation.


Peter getting braver



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